Cleaning Pods are a new technology based on an idea that you are already familiar with. Pods have been used for laundry, dishes, and personal hygiene for years; they are convenient and easy to use.

Cleaning Pods are Different

Convenience is nice, but it often comes at a cost. Pollution of our air, forests and waterways has been the price – only 9% of plastic is recycled in Canada, despite our best efforts. The threat of plastic’s dangers is so great, it has forced two very important topics:

  • How can Canadians reduce their plastic footprints
  • Banning of single-use plastics in Canada by the end of 2021

Cleaning Pods can help with both of these issues, where old pods have simply been convenient.

Pods Reduce Your Plastic Footprint

Pods for laundry do nothing to reduce your plastic footprint, as they often come in a plastic bucket of similar dimensions to a bottle that would have held the same amount of detergent.

When you buy cleaning products, you are mainly buying plastic and water. Most people already have this at home in the form of tap water and an old ‘single-use’ plastic spray bottle.

By using cleaning pods at home, you are actually reducing the amount of plastic you bring home. With pods, you can reuse a bottle that might have otherwise ended up in a landfill. Finally, with Earth Brand Pods, every bit of packaging is 100% recyclable.

Reducing, Reusing and Recycling your plastic footprint.

Cleaning Pods Reuse Single-Use Plastics

With only 9% of plastic recycled in Canada, and a ban on single-use plastics by the end of 2021, Canadians must focus on reducing and reusing plastic waste.

Cleaning pods are one of the few ways that you can actively reduce and reuse single-use plastics. Pods can release you from a cleaning routine that revolves around plastic. Get the same high-quality cleaning products you are used to, in your favourite spray bottles that never contribute to the plastic problem in Canada.

Ditch the plastic and choose a pod from Earth Brand Pods.